Friday, June 1, 2012

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

You have journeyed with us while we have experienced things that make us soar; children serving others, worship of our Lord Jesus Christ, families being knit together, one less orphan in the world, homecomings.

You have journeyed with us while we have experienced things that make us cry; poverty, hopelessness, waiting children, fatherlessness, hearts that are not united with Christ.

Now, against my worldly desire to do so, I share with you a path that we are traveling that I feel is pretty ugly right now; being in the thick of it. 

On Wednesday afternoon we found that we have lice.  SO bad that it is a bit embarrassing that I missed it until now.  Punya's head was so full that I could randomly pull my fingers through a section of her hair and adult lice would fall to the sink.  Amazingly, only Jon and Ella escaped the critters but we treated all of us none-the-less.  That night we were up past 2:00 a.m. just working through hair.  It is something that I'd rather not share to the world but I do so for several reasons.

Mainly I share because I know that there are some of you out there that will in fact flood heaven's gates for us and pray that it would be halted and contained quickly.  Pray that we would treat this and find that we are not being re infested.  Please pray that with us!  I was already going to bed quite early with exhaustion and then this... 

I also share this because when we went on this journey we planned to be honest and upfront, not trying to hide certain parts but sharing openly what God is doing; because we know in all things HE is to be praised.

Lastly, I share because even in the midst of storms and "terrible" moments HE is there, walking beside us and wanting us to cling to Him.  WE do have the God-given freedom of choice; we are not puppets.  I can choose to walk through this journey and be angry and bitter OR I can see His blessings in the midst of the storm; blessings like...

* my dear neighbor who came over to confirm, what I already suspected was brewing...
* a special friend who texted JUST after we found out, dropped everything and brought us products from the store
* three friends offering to nit-pick with me through layers and layers of hair...
* friends still bringing meals so that we can focus on laundering, vacuuming and bagging...
* a husband who does research to the 10th degree for us...
* same husband who elaborately shares exactly what and how much pesticides we just lathered all of us in, that will go straight to our bloodstream (OK so not the best blessing but I am smiling now at the thought of it)...
* a friend dropping by treats especially for Mom; so I can cope  :)
* the same friend bringing new shows so the girls would be mesmerized; to pick some more...
* laughing even through this trail; the girls keep things lite for me, one of them proudly saying, "I don't have nits, I just had the bugs!" 
* both of our parents being willing to come and help if needed...
* new family phrases; "Buggy, Buggy!" whenever a new nit is found; yes day three and still finding way too many in Punya's hair...
* nearly falling asleep in my personal "salon" chair as Jon combed through my hair (it was relaxing if I forgot why he was pampering me)...

So even in this, I am staying focused on the Lord and His out-pouring which means taking every thought captive as there are times (like after only 4 hours of sleep) when I need to choose to love because I'm not feeling very loving. 

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