Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Quiet Day

A number of families were able to make a trip to their child's orphanage today, but since L's was so far away (5 hours by express train), we were not able to do that. So we pretty much hung out at the hotel today. Tomorrow we plan to explore Zhengzhou a little bit and hit a large park within walking distance and maybe try to do a little shopping. We've been trying to teach L a few signs to help on the communication front and she is starting to pick up on a couple. In the attached video she shows the sign for "more".


  1. SOOOOOO precious. We just "stumbled on" some of our little video's the other night. We were sooooo glad we did those.

    Wow. She's a cutie!

  2. Oh my! She is adorable! :-) Thanks
    so much for sharing. She looks so
    comfortable in your arms J! God is so

  3. What a sweetheart! The way she snuggled in to you and smiled- It looks like you are bonding very quickly!

  4. Oh! I can hear the excitement in your reactions to L learning sign languages! Like you, we missed many of E's firsts (crawling, walking, talking, etc.), but all the firsts with us are VERY exciting! I love to see her snuggling up to J...God has clearly heard our prayers for your transition and early bonding!

  5. SO SWEET! She's an adorable peanut and cuddled so sweetly in your lap. I can see the trust in her towards you!

  6. OK. I've watched this SEVERAL times throughout the day. My favorite part is when she claps her hands and dives into your chest. SOOOOO cute!!!

  7. Ah!

    Watching that video and seeing her smile and fall into your arms was sooooooo sweet. Looks like she is so comfortable and loves you so much already...not surprising!!!:)


