Saturday, May 12, 2012

Prayer Requests

Please pray:

1) Jon, Ella, Ava and Edie are all suffering from tummy pains and what that brings.

2) Pray for nerves that are rising in expectation of meeting Punya on Monday.

3) Pray for patience; for all.  Life gets exhausting just being in a different environment.

4) For all the logistics with the orphanage and the embassy; travel to and fro, documents processed correctly and swiftly.

5) For our meeting and gathering of information in the two short visits to Punya's orphanage.  This will be our only chance to glean all we can for her memories.  Every detail we gather will give her one more puzzle piece to a past that we can share with her someday.  We have asked that the Director and any caregivers write her a letter, pray that this does indeed happen. 

6) Safe travel for Jon's parents as they return from their time in South India.

7) Punya's adjustment

Thank you for praying!


  1. Thank you so much for giving us ways to pray specifically. We are lifting you up throughout the day and will pray into each of these areas!
    We love you guys and are so excited for Monday and Tuesday! :)

  2. Praying for healing for all....physically for your family and emotionally and spiritually for Punya. Father God, you know know her inside and out. Your hands formed her every part. You know exactly what she needs and you have brought the Aernis to be your hands and feet to her. Please whisper in their hearts what Punya needs...whisper ways to be held, ways to touch, faces to make her giggle. inspire their actions during this time of transition. We pray for confidence and comfort. we pray for you spirit to be manifest in all the details. bring this good thing to completion for Your glory!
